Shared framework, presenting a certain degree of constraint, for a given community
Introduction to the notion
Source: Enterprise Transformation Manifesto; paragraph 7.3
Identifying the competences and disciplines involved in the Enterprise transformation is a key factor for success. For that, the enterprise and the education and training sectors need to share a common framework that defines the competences and disciplines (paragraph 7.3.a).
The competences should be identified and positioned against the list of the Enterprise System aspects (paragraph 7.3.b). The definition and articulation of the Enterprise System aspects constitute the framework for mapping the competences and disciplines (paragraph 7.3.c). This competency map or methodological framework covers all aspects mentioned in this manifesto: culture (knowledge, values, languages), superstructure (strategy, objectives, ideology), structure (organization, processes), and infrastructure (geography, equipment, means) (paragraph 7.3.d).
The framework proposed by the Praxeme method is the Enterprise System Topology. It acts as the theoretical basis to build the enterprise methodology.
A reference framework is not necessarily a representation framework. The expression can refer to:
- a methodology adopted by a community;
- an organization or a set of organizational rules that frame the action;
- a set of recommended practices;
- instructions…
Related term: representation framework, enterprise architecture, approach.