Enterprise transformation methodology that covers every aspect of the enterprise
Introduction of the notion
Source: Praxeme Institute Statutes; Article 1.02, paragraphs (a) and (b)
Praxeme is an enterprise methodology.
It covers enterprise strategy, modeling of organizations and their IT systems, as well as governance and management of competences. Its aim is to provide a set of rigorously articulated procedures, founded on a shared theoretical base. Praxeme’s main originality and constant focus lie with how the disciplines are articulated, which contribute to thinking about and improving organizations and their activity.
Praxeme is an open method. It aims to propose to society as a whole, a widely-shared reference method to:
- contribute to mastering organizations and IT systems;
- improve organizations and enterprises.
- Praxeme can be applied to all sorts of complex systems, with human and/or technical components: public institutions, enterprises, IT systems, action or defense systems… Hereinafter, these types of systems are referred to under the generic term “organization.”
The contributions made by the methodology are the kind that reform the approach of the different aspects of the organizations:
- formulating strategies;
- formalizing knowledge;
- organization design and performance improvements;
- modeling and simplifying processes;
- IT city planning and interoperability of information systems;
- mastering information and communication technologies, so as to leverage their full potential;
- IT architecture and software design;
- skills management and optimization of the production chain for tools for economic activity;
- governance and the generalization of economic rationality
For a more in-depth presentation, please see the General Guide.
For information on the origin of the Praxeme name, please click here.
Related terms: enterprise, Enterprise System, aspect.