The Praxeme methodology, developed by the Praxeme Institute, is made available according to the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution – ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
Aside from the fact that it answers the most basic intellectual honesty, this protection is motivated by the need:
- to maintain a dynamic around the “Praxeme” name,
- to mobilize all energies within the initiative for an open method.
It is thanks to such dynamics that we are able to continue developing the method and providing enterprises and organizations with the tools they need to carry out their transformations.
The Praxeme method is open, that is to say that it welcomes new content, provided that the structuring principles of the methodology and the spirit of the initiative are respected. This new content must also be able to be integrated into the structure and the terminology in place.
The Praxeme Institute statutes specify the conditions for the contributions.