CEISAR and the Praxeme Institute sign a common platform


CEISAR (Center of Excellence in Enterprise Architecture) shares common beliefs. It expresses them through a platform in seven points.

CEISAR recommends structuring the operational model into three models, as show in the figure below. Like Praxeme, it isolates an abstract model, upstream from the organization and the processes. This approach is essential to ensure innovation in the organization and the quality of the information system. The arrows on this diagram show the links or determinations. The equivalences with the aspects of the Enterprise System are easily established.

Operational Model

The components of the operational model as defined by CEISAR and their Praxeme equivalences.

Call for subscription

In 2013, the initiative for an open method took a number of significant steps forward:

  • on the one hand, as regards publicizing efforts, with particularly important contacts in the public sector and the joining of large services and consulting companies;
  • on the other hand, as regards content, with the first publications of Praxeme version 2.

Work in progress

Three projects are underway:

  • the development of the Praxeme certification, financed by APMG International;
  • the incorporation of the Performance Tree approach, by Georges Garibian;
  • the drafting of terminological procedures by professor Loïc Depecker.

The General guide, version 2, is ready in French and in English. The final review is almost finished. Two additional chapters will complete this guide on questions linked to transformation, with the formalization of the support materials presented during the members-only training course “Praxeme Competences”. In addition to the projects mentioned above, topics that we will tackle this year – through our workshops or publications – cover MDM, SOA, enterprise transformation, the digital enterprise, the evolution of IS urbanization, and modeling tooling.

With regards to this last subject, I am pleased to remind you that Softeam, the co-founding company of the Praxeme Institute, has renewed its offer to members around the Modelio tool.

Our subjects remain challenging, therefore not always popular; our ideals on rationality and rigor do not always receive the echo they should in our professional environments. However, an increasing number of signs seem to suggest an awareness, even an expectation, which leads us to believe in a return to voluntary and controlled design. The transformation engineering that we promote, the modeling techniques for which our association has acted as keeper, are in the process of finding favor among decision-makers, concerned with current challenges.

And so today, more than ever, the initiative for an open method needs all the support it can get, both yours and that of your companies. This support can be shown by:

  • joining the association;
  • participating in our work and events;
  • mobilizing efforts and helping in the running of the association.

The form and instructions for joining are available on the wiki.

The Praxeme Institute

The Praxeme Institute is a not-for-profit and state-approved association, pursuant to French law (known as July 1901).


The Praxeme Institute’s aim is to develop and promote the Praxeme open method.

It is:

  • the depository for the Praxeme corpus, including the method, communication material as well as the generic models and reusable components;
  • the guarantor of the spirit of openness and freely available resources;
  • the coordinator of all work around the method.

For more information: see the statutes of the association.

joinusTo follow the activities, make a contribution or join: the different ways (distribution list, LinkedIn group, association…).

Some key facts

  • Founded in October, 2006.
  • General assembly every year in December, as part of the Symposium (which is open, in part, to the public at no charge).
  • The College of contributors brings together, once a year, the decision-makers who support the initiative for an open method.
  • The products developed by the association or in partnership are available free of charge, under a creative commons license, on the wiki.
  • Members, contributors and partners: see the logos in the right-hand column. For more information about the actors of the initiative: see the Chorus section of the wiki.

The work

The Praxeme Institute’s main mission, as defined in the statutes of the association, is the development and promotion of the Praxeme open method. To better reach this goal, we are led to provide other material and services. Thus, our activity is organized according to the Organum structure, the method’s proposal for managing project-related material. The sections of the Organum have been given Latin names, used in several European languages, facilitating thus their use in international projects.


The Organum: the main structure

The Organum structures the wiki.

Initiative for an open method

Most enterprises and organizations are faced with the same difficulties as regards design and control: whether it concerns how they are run or how they are transformed, their processes or their information systems, the acknowledged complexity everywhere dominates and drives to despair.

Rather than responding to these difficulties in a haphazard way, with necessarily limited means, several actors have joined forces in order to develop an open method. Praxeme is the result of this pooling of investments. It is an enterprise methodology that covers all aspects of the enterprise, from strategy to deployment.


  • After the initial work carried out for SAGEM and SMABTP, the white paper, in 2004, defined the initiative and formulated some of the principles of the method.
  • In 2006, the Praxeme Institute association was founded.
  • Today, strengthened by the support from the French government and several other actors, the association is developing version 2 of the method.


A brief chronology

  • 2003: first contribution, contribution from SAGEM Defense (first version of the methodological guides, applied to the overhaul of drone system control stations)
  • 2004: initiative launched, publication of the White Paper, contribution of SMABTP (Praxeme for SOA)
  • 2005: initial communication
  • 2006: founding of the Praxeme Institute
  • 2007: first “Exceptional days”
  • 2009: Praxeme recommended as a method for designing information systems in the General Interoperability Framework (RGI: Référentiel général d’interopérabilité)
  • 2010: publication of the Enterprise Transformation Manifesto, signature of a cooperation agreement with CESAMES
  • 2011: contribution of the “Performance Treemethod, donated to the open corpus
  • 2012: exceptional training course “Business Architecture & Transformation
  • 2013: Praxeme adopted by the Interministerial Directorate for Information and Communications Systems (DISIC), launch of version 2

For more details: see the presentation about the initiative on the wiki.