
Precept of organizational design that states the importance of motivating actors

Introduction to the notion

Motivation precept
Beyond the “formal” design of the organization (processes, roles, rules…), we need to act on the “real” part: the human dimension. It is one thing to design the perfect organization chart and ideal processes; it is a different thing altogether to make them work by mobilizing and channeling the energy of those involved. The motivation principle brings the designer to take an interest in this part of the enterprise, which often escapes the model.

Motivation is the driver of the action. The question is: how can we mobilize the enterprise actors? The answer can be found among the disciplines of pragmatic design, management and human resources management. As regards design, the key point is the interest for the work, its autonomy, its possibilities for evolving… everything that is translated into the role descriptions, including the gradation of responsibilities.

Actor motivation must be a concern in the design of the organization and its management.

Formally, the objective clarification of the roles is an important element, although not sufficient. This motivation principle splits into two other principles: elucidation and incentive.

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