CEISAR and the Praxeme Institute sign a common platform


CEISAR (Center of Excellence in Enterprise Architecture) shares common beliefs. It expresses them through a platform in seven points.

CEISAR recommends structuring the operational model into three models, as show in the figure below. Like Praxeme, it isolates an abstract model, upstream from the organization and the processes. This approach is essential to ensure innovation in the organization and the quality of the information system. The arrows on this diagram show the links or determinations. The equivalences with the aspects of the Enterprise System are easily established.

Operational Model

The components of the operational model as defined by CEISAR and their Praxeme equivalences.

About Dominique VAUQUIER

Créateur et auteur principal de la méthode Praxeme. Consultant : accompagnement de transformations, modélisateur, architecte métier, architecte logique (urbaniste de SI). Formateur : BPMN, SOA, Praxeme, modélisation.
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