Aspect of a system through which its spatial distribution is specified
Introduction to the notion
The geographic aspect covers the notions of types of sites and physical sites. This is where the question of the localization of activities is dealt with. This is why the geographic aspect refers to the pragmatic aspect. The latter describes the activities and roles in a generic way; the former providing the details linked to the geographic settings of these activities. As an illustration, the functional organization chart is included in the pragmatic aspect, whereas the full organization chart, with the regional organization and responsibilities by branch, can only be formulated in the geographic aspect.
The geographic aspect is described in terms of sites and types of sites, as well as in terms of connections authorizing the (physical and virtual) communications. The design decisions on this aspect can have a strategic reach (examples of relocation, territorial organization or international partnerships). They almost always have a human impact that must be taken into account, in accordance with the enterprise values and those of society in general.
In some circumstances, sites involved in cloud computing solutions must also appear on the geographic model, in particular for legal reasons. The approach of the geographic aspect is detailed in the guide PxPRD-40.
Summary of the geographic aspect:
- Stake: quality and performance of the activities and services; social and environmental impacts.
- Content: enterprise geography, full organization chart (with the territorial organization), typology and listing of sites, communication needs, topics such as outsourcing, teleworking and nomadism.
Related terms: geography, relocation, working from home, organization chart, site, outsourcing.