
Subset of an aspect, characterized by the nature of its elements

Introduction to the notion

This term has a particular sense in the context of the Praxeme method, in complement to the notion of aspect. It appears regarding several aspects, in particular the intentional and logical ones.

To get close to the definition, here are some features that distinguish the notion of facet from that of aspect:

  • The facet is internal to an aspect.
  • It regroups elements by category, inside an aspect.
  • It is not (or not necessarily) a way of decomposing the aspect (contrary to the notion of domain).

The intentional aspect has four facets (‘VWVV’): values, wants, valorization, and vocabulary. The logical aspect has three facets: constituents (for example: services), data, and exchanges.

In the case of the intentional aspect, it can be decomposed into facets. Tools easily lead to this type of structure. However, it is not necessarily the most appropriate type of architecture for this aspect. In the case of the logical aspect, a radical SOA approach will lead to the data supports being encapsulated in the subsystems and the full exchange model being isolated in one place to be used as the specification of the pivot language. As a consequence, the three facets do not at all provide the drawing of the logical aspect. The structure of the logical aspect is the one obtained by decomposing the system, first into strata, then into subsystems (constituents).

Related term: aspect, domain.

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