
Set of coherent rules that govern one type of expression and ensure certain sought-after qualities in the resulting expressions

Introduction to the notion

As with any method, Praxeme is an expression of rationality. As a methodology, it forces itself to analyze rationality itself and avoids the trap of the underlying reality or substance. This is because we know today that rationality is limited and plural:

  • Limited: we have to recognize this to avoid naïve attitudes, typical of techno-idolatry. This is where epistemic humility comes in.
  • Plural: Praxeme endeavors to put in place the conditions for an interdisciplinary approach.

The enterprise approach rests on the following credo that summaries the recourse to a certain form of rationality, of an “engineering” kind: to decide well, you have to understand; to understand well, you have to represent. Hence the importance that Praxeme gives to modeling techniques. They extend the rationality principle by adding the effects of formalism to it.

On the one hand, turning to formalisms improves our knowledge of the enterprise; on the other hand, it reinforces our capability to intervene and increases our chances of finding innovative ideas. Consequently, modeling techniques play a key role in Praxeme, as they provide the means to a rational and rigorous approach, highlighting the many factors that make up the reality and allowing us to extract new ideas.

Related terms: model, BPMN, UML, epistemic humility.

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