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ETM logo Enterprise Transformation Manifesto ETM logo
The golden principles for improving enterprises
while respecting society's fundamental values and interests
5. Quality of the Enterprise System
When analyzing the quality of an Enterprise System, we oppose complexity and complication.
When assessing or designing the Enterprise System, several fundamental properties must be considered. They include:
  • agility,
  • traceability,
  • auditability,
  • interoperability.
In each aspect of the Enterprise System, specialized disciplines provide deeper analysis of quality properties.
The quality of the Enterprise System directly impacts the way the Enterprise behaves and evolves. It is of paramount importance to analyze and assess this quality.
5.1. The complexity of the Enterprise System is both a strength and a risk.
5.1.a) Complexity is a risk insofar as it requires an increasing amount of resources or it leads to an unmanageable situation.
5.1.b) The irreducible complexity of the Enterprise System allows it to adapt to a changing environment and to respond to new situations. This can be a real advantage, provided that it is controlled.
5.2. Complication is unnecessary and artificial complexity, generated and accumulated through the Enterprise's history.
5.2.a) Every system suffers from a natural tendency to complicate matters unnecessarily - in other words creating complication without any added value.
5.2.b) This tendency affects the organization, its processes and its information system.
5.3. The Enterprise must constantly struggle against complication while preserving its irreducible complexity. The solution to this equation combines two principles: eliminating redundancy and establishing the right coupling.
5.4. The Enterprise System seeks out agility: its ability to adjust to a changing environment.
5.5. The content and documentation of the Enterprise System must ensure traceability so that it is easy to relate every property or event to their potential causes.
5.6. In order to ensure transparency and confidence in the quality of the Enterprise System, it must be built in a way that allows for auditability.
5.7. The Enterprise System may be made up of, or interact with, other systems, both now and in the future. Interoperability is, therefore, a critical characteristic of the Enterprise System and it plays a huge role in the value chain and the extended enterprise.