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ETM logo Enterprise Transformation Manifesto ETM logo
The golden principles for improving enterprises
while respecting society's fundamental values and interests
3. Enterprise Policiy & the Open Society
Before we can even think of Enterprise transformation, we have to clarify the values and purpose of the Enterprise. To do this, we must consider the role of the Enterprise within society as a whole.
The Enterprise expresses its values, in accordance with society and its value system. Its actions should conform to its values.
3.1. The Enterprise policy states its core values and the way it intends to set them in action.
3.2. The Enterprise recognizes, adopts and supports general values shared by the open society, of which it is a part.
3.3. The Enterprise expresses its policy and communicates it to its stakeholders.
3.4. The Enterprise is a place where various cognitive universes and value systems cohabit. The rational Enterprise admits and recognizes this diversity.
3.5. Among other factors, ideology plays a role in the Enterprise as well as in society. Actors must be aware of this in order to better design and lead the transformation.
3.5.a) "Ideology" refers to the set of pre-wired answers that the actors use in their day-to-day actions and decision making.
3.5.b) An Enterprise ideology combines values, fixed representations and a theory of action.
3.5.c) Applying the Enterprise ideology is justifiable and efficient, provided that it remains within clearly set limits, for ordinary and repeatable circumstances.
3.5.d) Outside of these limits, there is a risk of misunderstanding a new situation and not responding accordingly. Ideology, used as an answer to everything, could be misguiding.
3.5.e) Openness remedies the drawbacks of ideology. It mitigates the risk of dogmatic behaviors by introducing exogenous elements of thought and knowledge.
3.6. It is only when looking at the Enterprise's ultimate aim that its true values are revealed.
3.7. Once the Enterprise has articulated its policies, it can work on its transformation and design its strategy.