
Propriétaire : Méta-modèle UML simplifié

Dependency Name ModelElement Element Item ModelTree Note TaggedValue NoteType Stereotype TagType Constraint

Diagramme de classes : CoreModel

Element and ModelElement are the most abstract metaclasses in the metamodel. Every element of the metamodel is derived from these metaclasses. ModelElements represent the most important UML element. They have a Name, can be described by Notes and can be annotated with Constraints. UML defines TaggedValues and Stereotypes as extensibility mechanisms. In addition, Objecteering/UML provides the “Note" concept, which defines the annotated descriptions, and defines NoteType and TagType, which define which Notes and TaggedValues are allowed in a given context. Note is to be compared to the “Comment" UML2.0 metaclass. Objecteering/UML provides the notion of Profile, supported by the Objecteering/UML Profile Builder or the Objecteering/MDA modeler module , which organizes the specification of Stereotypes, Tagged Values, and Notes. At Profile Specification level are defined instances of TagTypes, Stereotypes and NoteTypes. At model level (using Objecteering/UML Modeler), TaggedValues, Notes and references to Stereotypes are realized, in accordance with the Profile specification. ModelTree and Item are extensions to UML, used for extensibility purposes.

NOTA: je ne connais pas le détail des SO etc. Bien voir la correspondance avec le métamodèle physique, et vérifier qu'en consultation au moins, nous présentons un métamodèle de facade équivalent