Instance part & port

Propriétaire : Méta-modèle UML simplifié

MultiplicityMin MultiplicityMax IsConstant Value Instance ModelElement Binding LinkEnd AttributeLink NameSpace IsService IsBehavior Port Collaboration Classifier

Diagramme de classes : Instance part & port

An instance is a projection of one or several classifiers within a specific context. The context is the owner NameSpace. Depending on the context, Instances are used to represent instances, ports and parts. They can be clustered into sub instances. They can be bounded to other elements, typically when they represent something else in a more specific context (another instance, an attribute, parameter, or an associationEnd).“Instance" is at the core of the dynamic model. This is even more true under Objectering than UML: in addition to UML Instances, an instance under Objecteering can represent a part or a port. An instance can belong to NameSpaces (packages, classifier, collaboration) and also to other instances (clustering).