Classe "Binding"


Propriétaire : Méta-modèle UML simplifié

mapping between features of the collaboration type and features of the classifier or operation. This mapping indicates which connectable element of the classifier or operation plays which role(s) in the collaboration. A connectable element may be bound to multiple roles in the same collaboration occurrence (that is, it may play multiple roles).Under Objecteering, A binding binds an occurrence to an element. Usually, the bounded element is itself an occurrence. Binding has a more general meaning under Objecteering, than UML. It expresses that the bounded Element (RepresentedFeature) is represented in a more specific context by the representing element (Represents). The binding can be realized between two “Instance" (frequently “Part", or “Port"), or between an “Instance" and: an “Attribute", or a “Parameter", or an “AssociationEnd". It can also realize the binding between two “Link" (or “Connector"), or between two “LinkEnd" (or “ConnectorEnd"). That binding is generally exclusive from the Model or the Base of the occurence. (i.e. it is not necessary to express the type of a role if it is bound to typed elements) Binding is used for defining “CollaborationOcurrence" (this is the UML2.0 purpose), but also for every case where elements need to be represented under a different and more specific configuration. For example, a Port on a Part, is bounded to the same Port on the classifier of that Part; when attributes are represented as parts inside a class and its internal structure, the Part is bounded to its representing attribute. A model element can be bound to several model elements. It can represent several model elements. This is consistent with the fact that an instance can have several types.Under Objecteering, a Binding belongs to an instance, a Link, or a CollaborationOccurence.

Binds a role to the element it represents in a certain context

UML Mapping
In the UML usage :

Other usages :
Association from Port to Part

Cases not covered by UML

Classes parentes :

Diagrammes de classes : Associations :