Classe "Artifact"


Propriétaire : Méta-modèle UML simplifié

An artifact represents a physical piece of information that is used or produced by a software development process, and that can be deployed to nodes. Examples of artifacts include model files, source files, scripts, and binary executable files.

In the metamodel, an Artifact is a Classifier that represents a physical entity. Artifacts may have Properties that represent features of the Artifact, and Operations that can be performed on its instances. Artifacts can be involved in Associations to other Artifacts, e.g. composition associations to Artifacts that are contained within it. Artifacts can be instantiated to represent detailed copy semantics, where different instances of the same Artifact may be deployed to various Node instances (and each may have separate property values, e.g. for a time-stampproperty.Under Objecteering, deployment or imbrications of Artifacts is modeled by using the “internalStructure “ mechanism. This provides a simpler, more formal and general mechanism that justifies metamodel differences to the standard, but enhances usability. Under Objecteering, an artifact is a NameSpace, and therefore belongs to its owner NameSpace, which can be a Class, a Package, a Node or an Artifact.

Stéréotype : "UML"

Classes parentes :

Diagrammes de classes : Associations : Attributs :