Classe "Collaboration"


Propriétaire : Méta-modèle UML simplifié

A collaboration describes how a classifier or operation is realized by a set of classifiers used and related in a specific way.

(UML2) A collaboration is represented as a kind of classifier and defines a set of cooperating entities to be played by instances (its roles), as well as a set of connectors that define links between the participating instances. The cooperating entities are the properties of the collaboration. A collaboration is not instantiable. A collaboration specifies a view (or projection) of a set of cooperating classifiers. It describes the required links between instances that play the roles of the collaboration, as well as the features required of the classifiers that specify the participating instances. Several collaborations may describe different projections of the same set of classifiers.Under Objecteering, Collaborations have the same meaning. Objecteering extends them, by allowing directly to bind parts and connector to other model elements. This gives the ability to directly enter the model of a bounded collaboration. Under Objecteering, a collaboration belongs to a UseCase, a Class, a Package, a Collaboration or an Operation.

ClassifierRole disparait du métamodèle, et n'est plus exploité.

Une collaboration peut contenir des classifiers, d'autres collaborations ou occurrences de collaboration, des Links et des Instances. Elle peut hériter d'autres collaborations. Quand le lien " représentation " est utilisé, la collaboration joue alors le rôle d'une internal structure de la classe représentée. Dans ce cas, la collaboration peut avoir des ports.

Sous une internalStructure d'une classe, la collaboration aura fréquemment des parts pouvant être bindées aux attributs, ou rôles aggrégés de la classe.
Sous une opération, la collaboration aura des parts pouvant être bindées aux éléments de la classe, ou aux paramètres de l'opération.

Classes parentes :

Diagrammes de classes : Associations :