Training Session: Praxorama

This chargeable training session delivered by the Praxeme Institute will take place on 26-03-2010 It is a complete description of the methodology and it's fundamental principles. Detailed content: Syllabus.PxR To register or request details, please mail to

Intervention à la conférence Marcus Evans

Date : 08-04-2010, 09h00 - 18h00 Matinée co-animée par : Yves Caseau (DGA Bouygues Telecom), Philippe Desfray (DG Softeam, OMG), Dominique Vauquier (IT Strategy & Enterprise Architecture at AXA Group). Thème: l'urbanisation des SI. Détails : Résumé et document

Conference: “A Method for Interoperability”

A Praxeme Institute conference about the methodology for interoperability on 16-04-2010, 14h00 - 18h00. This conference is chargeable. To register or request details, please mail to

Workshop “Praxeme and… the languages”

This is a new occurrence of the formula "Praxeme &...", arranged around a researcher who accepts to introduce his/her work and to position it against the enterprise methodology. This time, we will gather around Loïc Depecker, a linguist who teaches at Sorbonne university and Ecole Normale Supérieure, author of numerous books and founder of the French Society of Terminology. This workshop will take place on 10/06/2010, in Paris. Registration: Documentation: Syllabus.PxATL3

Training Session: Praxorama

This chargeable training session delivered by the Praxeme Institute will take place on 12-11-2010, 14h00-18h00 It is a complete description of the methodology and it's fundamental principles. Detailed content: Syllabus.PxR To register or request details, please mail to

Marcus Evans EAM Conference 2010

Pan-European Conference Enterprise Architecture Management 2010 23/24-11-2010 Berlin Dominique VAUQUIER will give a lecture on the topic of competencies, questioning the common place definitions and exploring organization issues. He will propose new definitions of the transformation disciplines, based on the enterprise reality. Title of the lecture: A classification of skills based on the enterprise reality The New Order of the Disciplines in the Enterprise Great confusion in the definitions of the disciplines (Enterprise Architecture, Business Architecture, Business Analysis...) Need for a new starting point (limit the wastes, allow ambitious transformation) A comprehensive approach (first consider the enterprise itself, then determine the needs for competencies) Some necessary changes in the organizations Impact on the disciplines: Practices, skills, value Dominique Vauquier Senior Enterprise Architect AXA Group (excerpt of the conference program) Detailed content: Presentation: Syllabus.SLB29

Praxeme Institute talked at 22nd ICSSEA

Praxeme Institute gave a Talk during the 22nd International Conference on Software & Systems Engineering and their Applications (ICSSEA) called "An innovative approach for mastering IS design"

Workshop “Praxeme and… Terminology”

This is a new occurrence of the formula "Praxeme &...", arranged around a researcher who accepts to introduce his/her work and to position it against the enterprise methodology. This time, we will gather around Dr Hendrik J. Kockaert, from Lessius University College, Department of Applied Language Studies, in Antwert. He will update us on his work with the ISO workgroup on "UML and terminology". This group is preparing a norm which shows how the standard notation may apply to terminology work. It maps the categories used in terminology against some types of modeling elements. A good fit for reinforcing the methods and procedures related to vocabulary, which Praxeme situates in the "political" aspect of the enterprise. This workshop will take place on 9/12/2010, in Paris. Registration: Documentation: Syllabus.PxATL4

Colloque : Terminologie et sciences économiques et financières

Sous le haut patronage de Monsieur le professeur Yves Chauvin, Prix Nobel de chimie 2005 Les terminologies des sciences économiques et financières ont pris une importance particulière ces dernières années. Les crises financières à répétition montrent l’importance qu’il y a à comprendre rigoureusement les concepts et mécanismes en cause dans le monde économique d’aujourd’hui. Les terminologies françaises de ce secteur offrent aujourd’hui un panorama impressionnant, qui reflète l’effort constant réalisé depuis plus de 40 années par les chercheurs et praticiens pour cerner et nommer les concepts de ces disciplines. Le travail de néologie et de terminologie réalisé en France et dans la francophonie a doté le français d'un vocabulaire rigoureux et efficace. Car les terminologies, outre leur dimension culturelle et scientifique, sont des outils techniques. Après avoir inventorié au fil des précédents colloques à l’École normale supérieure les questions touchant à la conceptualisation en français de différents secteurs (informatique, télécommunications, médias, sciences de la vie...), le présent colloque a pour but de dresser un bilan des activités en matière de terminologie des sciences économiques et financières. Les expériences menées dans le monde en matière de traitement des terminologies des sciences économiques et financières pour la maitrise des systèmes d’information indiquent …

Intervention dans la formation CESAMES à l’IGPDE

Formation-action d’architectes urbanistes de systèmes d’information Le dispositif de formation-action à l’architecture d’entreprise a pour mission de former des compétences en architecture & urbanisation des systèmes d’information capables de gérer efficacement la relation métiers – DSI pour garantir la fiabilité et réduire le coût des projets informatiques. Il a été monté conjointement par l'École Polytechnique et le CNAM. Composé de 10 modules séparés par des périodes de coaching, il est destiné au personnel des ministères financiers, via l'Institut de la Gestion Publique et du Développement Économique (IGPDE). Dominique VAUQUIER intervient pour apporter son témoignage sur l'élaboration et la mise en place de l'architecture d'entreprise au sein du groupe AXA.

Workshop “Praxeme and… the science of systems”

This is a new occurrence of the formula "Praxeme &...", arranged around a researcher who accepts to introduce his/her work and to position it against the enterprise methodology. This time, we will gather around Marc Aiguier, a mathematician who teaches at Ecole Centrale de Paris and who heads the Computer Science department. This workshop will take place on 10/02/2011, in Paris. Registration:

ADELI – Rencontre autour d’un verre : Praxeme

Dans le cadre des liens qui existent depuis longtemps entre l'ADELI et le Praxeme Institute. Rencontre autour d'un verre : Praxeme Fabien VILLARD Cette soirée-débat se déroulera probablement à l'endroit habituel (confirmation à venir). Une occasion de d'avoir un aperçu ultra-synthétique de Praxeme agrémenté d'exemples d'utilisations en entreprises. Détails sur le site de l'Adeli.

Praxeme Symposium 2011

Save the date! This event will take place on 14/12/2011, in Paris. Program The Performance Tree takes roots in Praxeme (speakers: Georges GARIBIAN, Favien VILLARD, Dominique VAUQUIER) New activities (around tooling...) Testimonies Information Place: Paris (details will follow the registration) Date : 14/12/2011, starting at 2:30 p.m. Free entrance

Marcus Evans – Conference March 2011 Paris

On IT Urbanization and Enterprise Architecture Joined participation by Philippe DESFRAY, Dominique VAUQUIER and Fabien VILLARD. The trio shares three lectures, namely: "Evolution of a discipline" "Definition and positioning of the transformation disciplines" "Implementation of enterprise architecture: the enterprise methodology and its illustrations" 16/18-03-2011 Paris Detailed content:

Workshop “Praxeme and… terminology

This is a new occurrence of the formula "Praxeme &...", arranged around a researcher who accepts to introduce his/her work and to position it against the enterprise methodology. Professor Hendrik KOCKAERT teaches linguistics at Lessius University. He also chairs ISO workgroups, as far as terminology is concerned. He will introduce an ongoing work on the use of UML notation for terminology. This workshop will take place on 31/03/2011, in Paris. Registration: info at praxeme dot org Documentation: Presentation?

CESAMES – Soirée thématique du 6 avril 2011

Dans le cadre du partenariat entre CESAMES et le Praxeme Institute. "Mieux comprendre le rôle et le métier d'un architecte systèmes" Cette soirée-débat se déroulera à la Maison des Arts et Métiers. Une occasion de clamer le potentiel de transformation que nos disciplines peuvent apporter et d'affirmer l'ambitieuse définition que notre Enterprise Transformation Manifesto donne de l'architecture d'entreprise. Une occasion, aussi, de progresser sur la voie de l'interdisciplinarité en positionnant la méthode publique par rapport à l'architecture des systèmes, plus abstraites, promue par CESAMES. Voir :

Training Session: 2-day session for Praxeme

The next Px2D chargeable training session delivered by the Praxeme Institute will take place on 28-29/04/2011. More details on the event to be found on the French page. Detailed content: Syllabus.Px2D Registration and information :

Workshop “Praxeme and… the Performance Tree”

Georges GARIBIAN is the creator of the "Performance Tree" technique. This approach balances high-level indicators with a thorough analysis, respectful of the human and technical reality. He will present his invention and discuss its potential connections to the enterprise methodology. This workshop will take place on 12/05/2011, in Paris. Registration: closed Documentation ADP fondation? Business Performance Tree?

Citizen Meeting

When : 06-01-2011 13:00-16:00 Where : Établissement Français du Sang, 6 rue Cabanel, 75015 PARIS Phone : 01 45 66 97 17

Training Session: Semantic Modeling

This chargeable training session delivered by the Praxeme Institute will take place on 8-9/06/2011, 09h30 - 17h It is a complete description of the semantic modeling. Quick view Detailed content To register or request details, please e-mail to

Training Session: 2-day session for Praxeme

The next Px2D chargeable training session delivered by the Praxeme Institute will take place on 28-29/04/2011. More details on the event to be found on the French page. Detailed content: Syllabus.Px2D Registration and information :

Thought Leader Global Conference

IT Strategy, Governance and Transformation Forum Exceeding your Strategic, Governance, and Risks Objectives 6,7/10/2011 Amsterdam Dominique VAUQUIER will give a lecture on: "Build for Change Through Enterprise Architecture". Detailed content: Commented presentation available at: Syllabus.SLB33-BuildForChange

Workshop “Praxeme and… the Distributed Enterprise”

Marcel FRANCKSON, former innovation director at BNP Paribas and who led the Eutomethod project, set out the ADDE method: Application Development for the Distributed Enterprise. This approach relies on two practical principles that Praxeme has in common with it: separation of concerns; "emphasis on the design process as a decision process" (sic). After a presentation of ADDE, we envisaged the potential contribution to the open method. ADDE is based on catalogue of decisions to be made throughout the project process. These decisions can easily be dispatched over the aspects of the Enterprise System. This workshop took place on 17/11/2011, in Paris. Documentation The presentation used?

Workshop “Praxeme and… UML 2”

Philippe DESFRAY became known, at the beginning of the nineties as the father of the Class-Relation method, one of the most rigorous object-oriented methods. Co-founder of the company Softeam, a large part of his work has been dedicated to projects of an international scope, notably in the context of the OMG (Object Management Group). He is the co-author of the UML standard. Co-author also of Praxeme, he is currently working on enterprise architecture. An upcoming book on this subject will soon be published by his company Softeam. Philippe is therefore well placed to take stock of the UML notation and talk about its use in the context of enterprise methodology. The agenda covers: Version 2: new features and additions (what it brings to practitioners); “The OMG: how it works” (an inside look at making standards); Zoom in on state machines (why two types of automata?). For debate, among the questions on UML in Praxeme: Is UML the right choice? How can UML cohabit with other notations? Using UML in the upstream aspects of the EST; applying it to non-IS contexts… Can the rigor of modeling be pushed any further? Workshop terms and conditions Philippe DESFRAY will give his lecture in …

7èmes Rencontres du Club des Pilotes de Processus

Le Club des Pilotes de Processus, association partenaire du Praxeme Institute, organise ses 7èmes Rencontres sure le thème : « Économie numérique et usages 2.0 : menaces et opportunités pour les processus » Date : le 23/11/2011 Pour plus d'information, voir sur le site du Club des Pilotes de Processus

Model Driven Day 2011

Praxeme and the Open Source model via the Modeliosoft move to open sourcing it's core product.

International Conference on Complex Systems Design and Management (CSDM 2011)

  The management of large-scale complex industrial systems has a considerable strategic importance for an important number of enterprises. This spawned the relatively new academic field of "system architecture & engineering", producing a body of research that allows engineers to manage the increasing complexity of the technical systems they design. By its very nature, this field is at the interface between industry and academia, and requires its practitioners to be well versed in industrial application-related as well as theoretical knowledge. The ambition of the CSDM conference is to be the meeting point of reference for the industrial and academic environments working in the design and management of complex industrial systems. Further information:

Model Driven Day 2011

Praxeme and the Open Source model via the Modeliosoft move to open sourcing it's core product.

Workshop “Praxeme and… system theory”

Antoine LONJON is Director of Research at Mega International and involved in several initiaitves in the field of methodology, including OMG projects. This workshop will take place on 08/03/2012, in Paris. Documentation Presentation?

Marcus Evans – Conference March 2012 Paris

On Enterprise Architecture With lectures by several speakers involved in the initiative for an open method: Georges GARIBIAN, co-author of the Praxeme method, with a case study on performance management Émeric NECTOUX, member of the Praxeme Institute board, lead of Business Architecture at Volvo Group, on EA as a lever to transform the CIO's role Pierre-Frédéric ROUBERTIES, École Centrale de Paris, on syllabus in the field of EA and "cowboyism" affecting our craft 14/16-03-2012 Paris Detailed content:

Conférence “Nouveautés et orientations dans la méthodologie d’entreprise”

Presentation of the new elements in the enterprise methodology, by the creator of Praxeme. Content The Praxeme method has recently benefited from applications within various contexts (global group in the insurance sector, public transport...). As a result, it will be enriched with new content, including: a new approach to defining performance indicators (following the donation of the Performance Tree method by Georges GARIBIAN) an adaptation of the modeling techniques to physical systems a new version of the content framework a systematic approach to Business Architecture, based on the enterprise methodology Workshop terms and conditions Language: French (see the message below) Place: Paris (the address will be sent to those registered) Date: 22/03/2012, from 5.30pm – 7pm Contribution to expenses: 15 € (free for the members) Registration: closed Open to the public (subject to prior registration) Message to English speakers This lecture can be given in English too. If you are interested, please send an e-mail detailing your request, so that we arrange an event. Documentation

Conférence “Économie numérique : Enjeux, Situation, Stratégies et Technologies”

Les enjeux du numérique : transformation de l’économie et modernisation de la société La stratégie du numérique : innovation, compétitivité et création d'emplois Adéquation formation / besoin des entreprises Intervenants : Mme Véronique BETEILLE, Ingénieur informatique, présidente des anciens élèves du Cnam M. Romain BLACHIER, Cadre Web dans un grand groupe, conseiller municipal en Charge de l’économie à la mairie de Lyon 7ème M. Dominique VAUQUIER, Président de Praxeme Institute Modalités Lieu : Lyon(l'adresse sera communiquée aux inscrits) Date : le 10/05/2012, de 18h à 20h Documentation Présentation commentée

Workshop “Praxeme &…Governance”

A lecture by Jean-Louis LEIGNEL, based on the report that the "Académie des sciences et des techniques comptables et financières" has released recently : "La Gouvernance d'entreprise : une vision globale du management". Workshop terms and conditions Place: Paris (the address will be sent to those registered) Date: 31/05/2012, from 5.30pm – 7pm Contribution to expenses: free entrance Registration (before May 25 at 8 a.m.): send an e-mail Open to the public (subject to prior registration) Documentation The guide

Training course “The Performance Tree”

Following Georges GARIBIAN's donation to the open method, we have worked on how to integrate the Performance Tree inside the enterprise methodology. The outcome covers: the positioning of the Performance Tree against the Enterprise System Topology; a notation that allows us to formally represent the Performance Tree and to connect it with the models; a detailed process to define indicators in compliance with the strategy and the business reality. This half-day (5 hours) training course is an intensive session that will make you able to use and deploy this method. This workshop will take place on 7/06/2012, in Paris. Registration: see French page Documentation See at the page dedicated to the Performance Tree.

Lecture on Business Architecture in Lyon

Speakers: Dominique VAUQUIER with testimonies from Volvo Group and April Objective Introduce the enterprise methodology and expose its contribution to Business Architecture Workshop terms and conditions Place: Lyon, Institut G4 Date: 18/06/2012, from 5:30pm – 7:30pm Contribution to expenses: free entrance Organization: Open to the public (subject to prior registration) Documentation See: BusinessArchitecture See also: French version of this page

Lecture on Business Architecture in Lyon

Speakers: Dominique VAUQUIER with testimonies from Volvo Group and April Objective Introduce the enterprise methodology and expose its contribution to Business Architecture Workshop terms and conditions Place: Lyon, Institut G4 Date: 18/06/2012, from 5:30pm – 7:30pm Contribution to expenses: free entrance Organization: Open to the public (subject to prior registration) Documentation See: BusinessArchitecture See also: Frnech version of this page

Lecture on Cloud Computing in Lyon

Workshop terms and conditions Place: Lyon, Institut G4 Date: 26/06/2012, from 5:30pm – 7:30pm Contribution to expenses: free entrance Organization: Open to the public (subject to prior registration)

Workshop “Praxeme &… its members”

Speakers: Dominique VAUQUIER, Fabien VILLARD Objective An overview of the Praxeme method and of its corpus Workshop terms and conditions Place: Paris Date: 27/06/2012, from 5pm – 7:30pm Contribution to expenses: free entrance Registration (closed) Open to the public (subject to prior registration)  

L’Atelier du numérique 1 : de digital à numérique

Organisateurs : Club informatique des grandes entreprises françaises (Cigref) et Société française de terminologie Partenaires : Commission spécialisée de terminologie et de néologie de l'informatique, Ministère de la culture et de la communication, Délégation générale à la langue française et aux langues de France, Université de Paris Sorbonne Renseignements et inscriptions : Société française de terminologie

Séance de travail “Segmentation du marché Praxeme”

Dans le cadre de la stratégie de développement de Praxeme, cette séance prépare la première action : identifier et segmenter le marché de Praxeme. Modalités de l'atelier Lieu : Paris Date : le 24/10/2012, de 18h à 20h réservé aux adhérents

Colloque de Terminologie

Les vocabulaires des sciences médicales, patrimoine et enjeux : utilisation en machines L'Académie nationale de médecine et la Société française de terminologie organisent ce colloque sur la terminologie médicale et ses applications. Programme 14 h 00 Accueil et visite de l’exposition d’ouvrages anciens à la Bibliothèque de l’Académie nationale de médecine 14 h 30 Ouverture : M. André-Laurent Parodi, Président de l’Académie nationale de médecine ; M. Yves Chauvin, Prix Nobel de chimie ; M. Loïc Depecker, Président de la Société française de terminologie 15 h 00 Les travaux de la commission de terminologie de l’Académie nationale de médecine, M. Jacques Hureau (Académie nationale de médecine), Terminologies et nomenclatures, M. Loïc Depecker (Université de la Sorbonne) Á propos de la Terminologia anatomica : historique et applications, M. Jacques Hureau (Académie nationale de médecine) Constitution de ressources terminologiques médicales à l’INIST-CNRS : enjeux et perspectives, Mme Fabienne Kettani et M. Majid Khayari (INIST-CNRS) Débat 16h15 Pause Intérêt du thésaurus MeSH pour le domaine de la terminologie médicale : un indicateur de tendances, M. Yannick Pilatte (INSERM) Pourquoi construire des ontologies en médecine ? M. Jean Charlet (Assistance Publique-Hôpitaux de Paris) Un portail terminologique de santé à vocations multiples : de l’audit …

Processus : frein ou levier du changement ?

Comment les entreprises font-elles pour s’adapter dans un environnement en perpétuelle mutation ? Comment concilient-elles changement et pilotage ? Comment certaines d'entre elles font-elles du changement un véritable levier de croissance ? Les facteurs de changement, qu'ils soient concurrentiels, politiques, sociétaux, économiques, réglementaires, technologiques …, sont nombreux et désormais omniprésents. Intégrer cette dimension dans le pilotage des entreprises est devenu un impératif. Le Club des Pilotes de Processus vous invite à partager cette réflexion illustrée par les témoignages d'acteurs en mouvement et à découvrir ensemble comment l'approche processus s'inscrit dans cette dynamique. Agilité, adaptation, vitesse, anticipation et vision feront l'objet de débats & de tables rondes. Des « espaces temps » sont prévus dans le programme pour faciliter les échanges informels. Réservez votre journée ou inscrivez-vous directement sur Rendez-vous le 21 novembre 2012 au MEDEF (55 avenue Bosquet, Paris 7ème) pour les 8èmes rencontres du C2P.

Workshop “Praxeme &… System Architecture”

Workshop terms and conditions Place: Paris (the address will be sent to those registered) Date: 12/04/2012, from 5.30pm – 7pm Registration: send an e-mail Open to the public (subject to prior registration)

International Conference on Complex Systems Design and Management (CSDM 2012)

The management of large-scale complex industrial systems has a considerable strategic importance for an important number of enterprises. This spawned the relatively new academic field of "system architecture & engineering", producing a body of research that allows engineers to manage the increasing complexity of the technical systems they design. By its very nature, this field is at the interface between industry and academia, and requires its practitioners to be well versed in industrial application-related as well as theoretical knowledge. The ambition of the CSDM conference is to be the meeting point of reference for the industrial and academic environments working in the design and management of complex industrial systems. Further information: Proposed paper "Modeling transportation systems: a case study with the open method Praxeme"? See also: CSDM 2010, "An approach to multisystems"

Réunion citoyenne

Principe Des Praxemiens se retrouvent régulièrement sur le site de l’Établissement Français du Sang, près de la place Cambronne (Paris 15e). C'est l'occasion d'échanger sur la méthode et les activités du Praxeme Institute, tout en réalisant un don du sang ou, plus long, un don de plaquettes. Nous vous proposons de nous rejoindre, à l'heure qui vous convient dans le créneau indiqué ci-dessous. Modalités Lieu : 6, rue Alexandre Cabanel, 75015 PARIS (près de la station de métro "Cambronne") Date : le 20/12/2012, entre 15h et 19h Inscription (non obligatoire, l'inscription permet aux infirmiers d'anticiper la fréquentation : Pour plus d'information Voir le site de l'EFS Pour le don de plaquettes, il est nécessaire de prendre rendez-vous. Téléphone : 01 45 66 97 17  

Workshop “Praxeme &… Proxem”

Workshop "Praxeme &... Proxem" Speakers: François-Régis CHAUMARTIN Objective Workshop terms and conditions Place: Paris Date: 24/01/2013, from 5pm – 8pm Contribution to expenses: free entrance Registration: Open to the public (subject to prior registration)

Présentation Praxeme à l’ADIRA

L'ADIRA est l'association pour le développement informatique en Rhône-Alpes. Elle vous convie à une présentation de Praxeme, dans ses locaux. Outre une introduction à l'initiative pour une méthode publique, cette présentation portera sur la version 2 de la Topologie du Système Entreprise. Thème principal Les cadres de référence (ou frameworks méthodologiques) constituent les fondements indispensables de l’action collective. Apportant une grille de lecture commune, ils établissent les bases pour organiser le travail, tout particulièrement dans les contextes de transformation d’entreprise et d’évolution des systèmes d’information. On imagine sans peine leurs conséquences : un défaut dans le cadre de référence et ce sont des dizaines de questions qui vont se poser des centaines de fois au niveau des projets, recevant des réponses disparates ou mal informées. D’où la question : « qu’est-ce qu’un bon cadre de référence ? », question qui, au-delà de la théorie, a des implications économiques considérables. Or, nous trouvons, sur le marché, plusieurs cadres ou frameworks, présentant des degrés variables de précision et de formalisme. L’initiative pour une méthode publique a cherché à asseoir la méthodologie d’entreprise sur un fondement solide. Cette recherche a abouti, d’une part, à formuler les règles de construction des frameworks, d’autre part, …

Adepix – Meeting #02

Conditions Place: Paris Date: 26/02/2013, from 6pm – 8pm Documentation Modus.PerformanceTree

Workshop “Praxeme &… TOGAF”

Speakers: Jérôme CAPIROSSI Objective Workshop terms and conditions Place: Paris Date: 28/02/2013, from 6pm – 8pm Contribution to expenses: free entrance Registration: adjourned Open to the public (subject to prior registration)

Workshop “Praxeme &… business ethics”

Speaker: Henry PEYRET, principal analyst at Forrester Objective Henry Peyret will present his works on the values of enterprise and customers. This will introduce a debate around business ethics and its place within the enterprise methodology. Workshop terms and conditions Place: Levallois-Perret Date: 27/03/2013, from 5:30 pm – 8pm Contribution to expenses: free entrance Registration: Open to the public (subject to prior registration) Documentation A propos de Henry Peyret et de Forrester "Values Driven Customers? : The Consumer changes the world around his values" (presentation used during Henry's lecture) "Le modèle éthique de l'entreprise"

APMG-International Showcase

Objective Workshop terms and conditions Place: Paris La Défense Date: 18/04/2013 Registration:

Workshop “Praxeme &… COBIT”

Speaker: Pierre CALVANESE Objective Workshop terms and conditions Place: Paris Date: 23/04/2013, from 5:30 pm – 8pm Contribution to expenses: free entrance Registration: only for members (subject to prior registration. See message via the group)

Introduction to Praxeme

Speaker: Dominique VAUQUIER Objective Workshop terms and conditions Place: Paris La Défense Date: 13/05/2013, from 2pm – 5pm Contribution to expenses: free entrance Registration:

Soutenance au CNAM

Fabien Angot, Praxemien de longue date, nous convie à sa soutenance pour l'obtention du diplôme d'Ingénieur CNAM en Informatique option Système d'Information. La soutenance aura lieu le Jeudi 11 Juillet à 11h00. Invitation : voir message sur la liste de diffusion des adhérents du Praxeme Institute.

Adepix – Meeting #06

Conditions Place: Paris Date: 11/07/2013, from 2pm – 5pm Documentation Modus.PerformanceTree

Praxeme v. 2

Speaker: Dominique VAUQUIER Objective Workshop terms and conditions Place: Paris, Archives Nationales Date: 18/07/2013, from 2:30 pm – 6 pm Contribution to expenses: free entrance Registration:

On Mind Mapping

Speaker: Denis REBAUD Objective Workshop terms and conditions Place: Paris Date: 17/10/2013, from 6pm – 8pm Contribution to expenses: free entrance Registration:

“Praxeme Skills” training session

Trainers: Dominique VAUQUIER, Fabien VILLARD Objective Workshop terms and conditions Place: Paris suburb Date: 2-4/12/2013, from 9 am – 6 pm Registration:

International Conference on Complex Systems Design and Management (CSDM 2013)

  The management of large-scale complex industrial systems has a considerable strategic importance for an important number of enterprises. This spawned the relatively new academic field of "system architecture & engineering", producing a body of research that allows engineers to manage the increasing complexity of the technical systems they design. By its very nature, this field is at the interface between industry and academia, and requires its practitioners to be well versed in industrial application-related as well as theoretical knowledge. The ambition of the CSDM conference is to be the meeting point of reference for the industrial and academic environments working in the design and management of complex industrial systems. Further information: Proposed paper "Modeling transportation systems: a case study with the open method Praxeme"? See also: CSDM 2010, "An approach to multisystem"

AFAI Training session

Speaker: Pierre CALVANESE Objective Workshop terms and conditions Place: Paris Date: 12/11/2013

RetEx SI Transformation

Speaker: Fabien Angot Objective Workshop terms and conditions Place: Paris Date: 04/03/2014, from 6pm – 8pm Contribution to expenses: free entrance Registration:

“Praxeme and… Data Architecture”

Speaker: Joel Bizingre - Conix Consulting Objective Workshop terms and conditions Place: IdF Date: 09/07/2014, from 6pm – 8pm Contribution to expenses: free entrance Registration:

“Praxeme and… The semantic web”

Speaker: Bruno Seznec Objective Workshop terms and conditions Place: IdF Date: 25/09/2014, from 6pm – 8pm Contribution to expenses: free entrance Registration: Documentation Présentation utilisée pendant l'atelier?  

“Praxeme et… les règles métier pour prendre des décisions”

Speaker: Thierry Biard Objective Workshop terms and conditions Place: IdF Date: 25/11/2014, from 5:30pm – 8pm Contribution to expenses: free entrance Registration: Documentation Presentation used in the workshop?

Conference “Manager la complexité”

Save the date! This event will take place on 30/01/2015, in Lausanne (Suisse). Program Please refer to the French version. Information Place: Lausanne Date : 30/01/2015 Free entrance

“Praxeme Skills” training session

Trainer: Dominique VAUQUIER Objective Workshop terms and conditions Place: Paris Date: 17-19/03/2015, from 9 am – 6 pm Registration: Documentation Please see the French version.

“Praxeme Skills” training session

Trainer: Dominique VAUQUIER Objective Workshop terms and conditions Place: Paris Date: 23-25/06/2015, from 9 am – 6 pm Registration: Documentation Please see the French version.

“Praxeme Skills” training session, September 2015

Trainer: Dominique VAUQUIER Objective Workshop terms and conditions Place: Paris Date: 15-17/09/2015, from 9 am – 6 pm Registration: Documentation Please see the French version.

“Praxeme for SOA” training session, September 2015

Trainer: Dominique VAUQUIER Objective Workshop terms and conditions Place: Paris Date: 22-25/09/2015, from 9 am – 6 pm Information:

Symposium 2010

Date : 16 décembre 2010 Lieu : Paris (détails après inscription) Horaires Matin - Assemblée générale - 09h30 - 12h30 Après midi - Conférences thématiques et cas réels en entreprises - 14h30 - 18h00 Agenda (sujet à modifications mineures) Inscription gratuite obligatoire Thématique Praxeme, méthodologie d'entreprise, donne les moyens de fabriquer et mettre en œuvre l'architecture de l'entreprise et de son système d'information. Envisager de mettre en œuvre Praxeme d'un coup est un virage délicat et effrayant pour une entreprise, c'est compréhensible. Mais Praxeme sait aussi s'adapter à une mise en action progressive : elle fournit des principes et procédés qui, s'ils sont totalement intégrés dans la méthode, sont aussi utilisables individuellement et permettent de dégager des bénéfices incomparables sur la gestion de la complexité, la maîtrise du fonctionnement, la communication entre les spécialités et les cultures d'entreprise. Les bénéfices se déclinent sur deux plans : Chaque procédé fournit ces propres avantages, suffisants pour en justifier l'utilisation. Chaque procédé mis en œuvre est une étape dans la gestion du changement nécessaire à l'appropriation de la méthode par l'entreprise. Quelques exemples : La TSE (Topologie du Système Entreprise) est une structure générale utilisable dans tous les domaines. Avant même d'être …